Vision and values
Ensuring Excellent 3-18 Community Education
Our approach is based on a fundamental belief that all young people have talent and the potential to achieve more than they ever thought possible.
Achievement in three main areas:
Academic: Excellent standards and outstanding progress are a prerequisite for success in life, equipping young people with the skills and knowledge they will need to be successful, happy and productive citizens.
Social: Excellent relationships for learning are a prerequisite for all other achievements. Relationships that engender mutual respect between young people, and all other members of our academies’ communities will ensure learning can be fun in a disciplined and caring environment where the highest expectations are the norm.
Personal: All young people achieve things they can be proud of everyday in addition to academic success and outside our school’s planned curriculum. We have a vital role in ensuring individuals develop their own talents and interests and have a responsibility to instil in them a sense of pride in who they are and what they achieve.
All members of the CAT staff community see themselves as learners. They are empowered to make decisions, be creative and to lead. Mutual respect pervades all relationships working together to enhance professional learning and practice and collaboration; collegiality and a sense of team identifies how all staff work together. Staff co-operate with each other and are not in competition with each other – they are part of a team that ensures the academies throughout the CAT strengthen their positions among the best schools in the country.